Electrical Preventative Maintenance Helps Maintain Reliability
Business goals. Employee productivity. Customer demand. All are at risk when an electrical system fails. Yet, even experienced facility managers can miss the warning signs despite their best efforts. Let All-Test take a deeper look. Our electrical preventative maintenance services can help you identify weak components, make repairs quickly and avoid downtime. Being proactive will protect the health of your electrical system, protect your employees and additionally save you time and money.
Which electrical components require preemptive service?

Your entire electrical system should remain under a watchful eye. We support your onsite staff with expert focus on three of the most critical components:
- Switchgear EPM
- Transformer EPM
- Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) EPM
All of our electrical preventive maintenance programs are built on the recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association as well as manufacturer-defined inspection points.
What you get with a preventative maintenance plan:
- A total condition assessment of each piece of equipment serviced
- A list of repair items so that you can prioritize your needs
- Recommendations to upgrade your equipment’s safety, reliability, that will upgrade your peace of mind
What does a preventive maintenance plan for your electrical system involve?
Preventive maintenance schedules vary, but all include routine online and offline testing to assess the overall health of your electrical system. We thoroughly inspect, clean and tighten fittings to extend the life of your equipment. Ultimately, this ensures reliability and uptime. Finally and most importantly, it protects your employees from harm.
Specifically the goals of an electrical preventive maintenance are to:
- Prevent system failure
- Increase the lifespan of your equipment
- Perform low-cost repairs in place of high-cost damage control
- Reduce workplace safety hazards
- Improve electrical efficiency
- Meet inspection requirements